While reading my Facebook feed, I came across a poster that struck a chord with me.
1. This is awesome
2. This is tricky
3. This is shit
4. I am shit
5. This might be awesome
6. This is awesome
I shared it, explaining that lately I’ve been jumping between 3, 4 and 5 with regards to writing my book. Thankfully, my wonderful family and friends quickly responded that I am never 4 and I am on the way to 6.
Still, I have a completely new respect for writers, understanding more and more how difficult it is to complete a book and convey a story in a way one hopes a reader will enjoy, be moved and absorb the messages.
How interesting it is that currently I am on version 4 and that I have been feeling like 4. Version 1 did feel awesome. Version 2 was tricky. Version 3 felt like shit, which led me to write version 4, making me feel awesome until I read it and then felt like 4.
The good news is 5 and 6 are on the horizon, and despite the lack of confidence I feel at times, I still love writing and I still love this project.
And to answer the #1 question I get - “When is the book coming out?” - when it is a 6.